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About the Foundation

Equipping Christian schools to thrive.

The Christian School Foundation helps donors give with confidence and helps local leaders manage the gifts they’ve been given to expand the influence of Christ in our culture.

Helping you leave a lasting legacy.

At the Christian School Foundation, we know that you want to leave a legacy as a faithful steward of the gifts that have been entrusted to you. You want to be assured you’re making a long-term positive impact on our culture through your support of Christian schools.

We recognize that supporting Christian education is not always simple.

There can be an overwhelming number of requests from different schools and for different causes. It’s also possible to be unaware of the needs beyond your local community. You may also be left wondering about the appropriate timing of a gift, the level of knowledge required to handle your gift and whether or not your gift will have a long-term positive impact on the communities you wish to support.

"Posterity will serve him; future generations will be told about the Lord. They will proclaim his righteousness, declaring to a people yet unborn: He has done it!"
Psalm 22: 30, 31 (NIV)

Navigating the way forward.

The Christian School Foundation draws Christian schools and donors together to expand the influence of Christ in our culture. Currently we serve 90 member schools and manage $20 million in donated funds. We disburse close to $2 million per year to Christian schools across Canada.

We support educators and school communities with tools to improve donor relationships and with direct financial support. We help donors identify where the real needs are and we provide them with the best approach to meet those needs.

You don’t need to wonder if you’re really making a difference.

Rest in the knowledge that your gift is being managed well and your generosity is not only improving the future of Christian schools but is also building up our society by expanding the influence of Christ within it.

Explore Giving Options
Become a Member School
"The foundation is a well-developed, professional organization which will continue to develop in scope."
— Arlene Bennink, donor
"We preferred to remain anonymous in our support for different area Christian schools. We were able to do so by providing support through the Christian School Foundation. They were professional and appropriately discreet, and we appreciated that."
— Anonymous

Our Mission

Our mission is to draw Christian schools and donors together to expand the influence of Christ in our culture.

Our Vision

We aspire to bring hundreds of Christian schools and thousands of donors together to enable them to flourish as innovative, inclusive and accessible schools by sharing millions of dollars annually in short and long-term gifts.

Our Team

A little more about us…

Tony Kamphuis

President & CEO

After thirty-one years of experience in Christian education as both a teacher and administrator, Tony Kamphuis still has the passion of a recent convert, having only had the opportunity to attend Christian schools for his last years of high school. Tony fully appreciates how a thoughtful Christian education can have a powerful impact in the lives of individuals and in societies. Tony holds a B.A. from Calvin College, and a Master’s degree from Wilfrid Laurier University. Utilizing his experience in Fund Development, Tony’s goal as the President and CEO is to push the Christian School Foundation to the next level, impacting the world for Christ by equipping Christian schools to thrive.

Kevin teBrake

Director of Planned Gifts and Investments

Kevin teBrake is an experienced and motivated leader who has a passion for Christian education and stewardship. Kevin graduated from McMaster University with an Honours Bachelor of Commerce and following that received his CMA (Certified Management Accountant) designation working in public accounting for 14 years. Kevin also graduated from McMaster Divinity College with a Master of Divinity leading him into parish ministry for 15 years. Having been blessed through Christian education as a child and teen, and seeing his children discipled through Christian education, Kevin recognizes the gift we have through the Christian schools. He has a passion for the work of the Foundation, and a passion to ensure each child and family have access to Christian schools.

Meghan Van Pelt

School and Grants Manager

Meghan Van Pelt began her career in Christian Education in 2014 when she joined the newly formed Christian School Foundation. She is passionate about building people-first systems and effective grant programs that support the goals of our member schools. Meghan is a graduate of Redeemer University and the Laurentian Leadership Program. She also worked as a curriculum writer for the Charlotte Mason Institute and was a contributing author in Essays on the Life and Work of Charlotte Mason.

Sierra Bezemer

Admin Assistant

Sierra Bezemer is a graduate of Redeemer University where she studied Urban and Intercultural Ministry. Throughout her time at Redeemer, she worked for various non-profits and is grateful to have been able to learn from Christian leaders around the world. Sierra is passionate about Christian education, having been deeply influenced by her own experience in Christian schools.  She is excited by what God is doing through Christian education and loves connecting with Christian schools across Canada. 

Annual Reports & Audited Financial Statements

We’re dedicated to making the biggest impact possible. See for yourself.

Our recent annual reports and audited financial statements are available to download below.

Our History

Working Smarter Together: How a Canadian-Wide Movement Was Born

During the early to mid-1990s, several Christian school boards began exploring ways to deliver more stable, long-term funding. This led to the establishment of 3 foundations: 

  • The Central Ontario Christian Education Foundation (COCEF)

  • The Foundation for Niagara & Hamilton area Christian Schools (FNHCS)

  • The Grand River Advancement of Christian Education Foundation (G.R.A.C.E. Foundation)

These foundations helped people use planned giving and diverse forms of funding to create lasting support for Christian schools. Though they were effective in reaching their goals, eventually the time came for another development: the establishment of one large foundation. This would provide more extensive and efficient services than the three regional foundations on their own.

In July 2014, the Christian School Foundation was born. Today, it helps strengthen its member schools’ ties to their supporting communities. Thanks to the leadership of visionary founders and supporters, it is positioned to provide even better support for the students across Canada now and into the future. 

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How can we help?

Be sure to check out our helpful frequently asked questions for more information on our organization. You can also contact Meghan Van Pelt by email [email protected], phone 905-769-0798 or by completing the form below.

Meghan Van Pelt
School and Grants Manager